Abalone dumpling, a simple health food
It gives energy to your tired body and mind in the hot summer This is an easy and easy-to-use health food, Abalone Dumpling
1 serving
Within 10 minutes
  • Abalone
  • Meat dumplings
  • Soy sauce
  • Sugar
  • ground pepper
  • potato starch
Cooking Steps
STEP 1/8
Prepare abalone, meat dumplings, soy sauce, sugar, pepper, and starch.
STEP 2/8
Separate the abalone from the shell and clean it, remove the blood from the dumpling, and prepare the dumpling filling only.
STEP 3/8
Cut the abalone into 1cm by 1cm.
STEP 4/8
Put the abalone and dumpling filling together
Season with soy sauce, sugar, and pepper.
STEP 5/8
The abalone dumpling filling on the abalone shell
Fill it up fill it up fill it up
Tip! If you put starch on the abalone shell first, the skin and the filling won't separate.
STEP 6/8
Sprinkle starch on top of the abalone dumpling filled with full full.
STEP 7/8
Steam in a steamer for 7 minutes.
STEP 8/8
Abalone dumplings, a simple health food for a hot day, are complete
You can also eat it with soy sauce.
Tip! Golden recipe for soy sauce
2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 2 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoons of red pepper powder, 2 tablespoons of sugar
If you sprinkle starch on top of abalone dumplings, you can enjoy the lighter abalone dumplings.
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